A little about me…

I am the Infamous Storyteller… perhaps I should be: The “Presumptuous” Storyteller, but I find that title less amusing.

I am terrible at grammar and spelling. Yet have this unreasonable desire to craft stories. The Terrible Storyteller didn’t seem great for branding, so infamous, it is.

I am a stay-at-home dad. Very funny considering my more traditional outlook on life. But after a terrible accident from years ago that finally caught up to me, my thoughts on the matter have… well I have become more flexible in my views. My wife works, and I’m with the Kido’s. So, when they are sleeping, I sit down and wright a bit. Due to my condition, I can’t do much else.

My tragic back story:

I know, you are dying to find out what possibly could have happened to me to make me stay home with my adorable children when I could be out digging diches and falling trees with the boys. Like I foreshadowed in the prior paragraph it was a terrible accident many, many years ago.

In short. A deer came through the driver’s side window of my Toyota Echo, at exactly 45 mils an hour. I know because right before the deer appeared I had accelerated to match the speed limit sign in front of me, (you know I wasn’t going to be going under). You could say my world was rocked when the deer suddenly appeared. Felt like someone smashed the side of my head with a meaty baseball bat. After pulling over and checking myself I decided I was fine and drove home. 

Anyway, ten or so years later, I started having a series of confusing symptoms, which my doctors could not figure out. But through the grace of God, I was able to fine the one specialist in my state that could properly diagnose the problem. CCI. Cranial cervical instability.

That is fancy doctor speak for when the top of your head dislocated from your neck, and in my case, starts pinching the blood vessels, spinal cord and nerves that run through it. Hence the strange symptoms the doctors were unable to Diegos.

It a niche problem. Basically, the ligaments in my neck were damaged in the accident and the scar tissue had broken down over time.

The best part is the solution: A brilliant doctor in Colorado came up with the crazy idea to inject the damaged ligaments with stem cells through the back of one’s mouth with a very long needle. The Procedure is called a PICL. You can google, or AI it if you want to know more. An interesting approach for sure, but better then fusing my vertebrae together.

Any way I have had the procedure done a few times, I can walk now so that’s nice. It’s going to take a few more procedures and thousands of dollars before my head is glued back on right. (Insert begging)

 So if you decide to buy my book, I would most likely appreciate it. If not, I hope you will at the very least check out the podcast, where we read my stories out loud on terrible mics, were you could alos check out my fabulous neck brace.

This whole page has been a T.M.I dump but you’re the one who clicked on the “About me page”. I’ll be honest I hardly ever read the pages ‘about me pages’ because they are often very boring and hardly entertaining at all, hopefully this was at least an interesting to read. Thanks for checking out my website and looking at my books.

In closing. I hope you have a wonderful day; watch out for deer they’ll sneak up on you.